live meditation on instagram!

Wednesday, May 1st: 8:00-8:30pm, ET, Find me on Instagram at: SagetreeHolistics.

Meditation is an art, a science, and a divine practice. A synthesis of a sacred space, your intention, and interconnected thoughts & emotions. Can you imagine these powerful things working together in unison with both a visible and invisible reality? If you can, you too will be able to manifest a magical life!

Let me take you on a journey, a quest of personal initiation, with the power of meditation! I will guide you on an inner journey inside yourself first, then we will establish a connection to source, and then enter that magical place where all true intentions are born, and facilitated. Though, this is meant to be an on-going process, an internal discovery full of unlimited potential, we’ll get started on May 1st, at 8:00pm ET, LIVE on Instagram!

Create a sacred space, light a candle, hold two palm stones/crystals, clear your space and yourself with some sage or palo santo, and maybe burn some incense… I would have two essential oils ready to use, and then just hit “LIVE” on Instagram: SagetreeHolistics! See you on May 1st! Namaste, Lani Renee

  • live meditation on instagram: wed. may 1st

    Experience Meditation with Lani Renee. Learn to breathe, slow down, and let go… and open up, receive, and allow… to manifest your personal intentions! Every meditation is a quest of personal initiation, if you’re ready to take a leap, join us!

    Wed. May 1st: 8:00-8:30 pm, ET

  • live instagram reading: mother's Day

    Lani will be doing a LIVE Reading on Instagram on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th! Thank You Mom’s! Sometimes it’s nice to get a few messages to keep us all, Mother’s, connected, inspired, and loving the fact that our CHILDREN gave of this beautiful honor. And, if you’re live with me, I’ll take questions! See you on Instagram on Mother’s Day!


  • summer reiki course: sat. june 22nd

    Lumi-Usui-Karuna Reiki Energy Medicine Course I is for everyone! Learn the simple yet profound healing practice of self-healing! This course will include: Energy Healing 101, Introduction to the "healing" table, three types of reiki traditions, the use of healing crystal & stones, pendulum chakra balancing, aromatherapy and the best 7 therapeutic essential oils for healing, AND hands-on practice! Everyone will receive a reiki healing!

    SUMMER REIKI COURSE: Level I: Self-Healing

    With Lani Renee, LMT & Natalie Christine, LMT - Holistic Healing Reiki Practitioners

    Sat. June 22, 2024: 4:00 - 8:00 pm | $300

    RSVP Early, Limited Space.

    Join us in-person at Sagetree Holistics, or Online, via Zoom.